Virtual Robot Module for Robotics Toolbox (MATLAB)
Virtual Robot Module (VRM), which is a part of RoboAnalyzer software, is now made available as a COM Server. Using this version, one can have interactions between VRM and other software applications such as MATLAB, MS Excel, etc., which have a COM interface.
In this page, information about VRM and its integration with MATLAB, MS Excel is given. In addition, VRM has been integrated with Robotics Toolbox(RTB) for MATLAB, developed by Prof. Peter Corke of Queensland University of Technology (QUT). More information about RTB can be found here. The setup files for accessing VRM from RTB/MATLAB and any other COM based application are same and can be downloaded below. ApplicationsAs of RTB Version 9.9, the visualization for robot motion was done using skeleton models in MATLAB. To have more realistic animation, VRM-RTB integration can be used on CAD models of some of the robots. Moreover, if a student/researcher/faculty has some algorithm for kinematics, motion planning, etc., and want to see the motion, VRM can be used for animation purpose. This helps in concentrating more on the research than worrying about animation functionality.
DownloadDownload VRM for RTB
VRM for RTB (and other COM applications) works only on Microsoft Windows and requires Microsoft .Net framework to be installed. It does not work on Mac and Linux. The .zip file above has a readme.txt and VRM-RTB_UserHelp.pdf which have details on installation and overview of VRM-RTB. Below videos are also helpful to get started and using VRM for other applications. |
Video: How to use VRM from MATLAB and MSExcel
Video: Setting up VRM with Robotics Toolbox
Video: Overview and Features of VRM-RTB